Eavorloop Filed trip in Geretsried Summer 2024

This summer we had the privilege of visiting the innovative Eavor Loop project in Gerestried, Germany.

This summer, nine student members of the SPE TU Clausthal Student Chapter from the Institute of Subsurface Energy Systems (ITE) had the privilege of visiting the innovative Eavor Loop project in Gerestried, Germany. Our insightful field trip included an in-depth look into the cutting-edge technologies and project phases, guided by knowledgeable company personnel.

Project Overview & Location:
Our delegation explored the wellsite of the pioneering Eavor Loop project, aimed at revolutionizing geothermal energy extraction.

Well Construction:
The project involves drilling two vertical wells to a depth of approximately 4500 meters TVD.
The Vertical wells feature up to 12 horizontal laterals, configured to form interconnected "loops."
These horizontal sections, each 2500 meters in length, maximize heat transfer from the surrounding rock.
A minimum separation of about 50 meters between horizontally connected boreholes ensures borehole stability.

Thermosyphon Effect:
The Eavor Loop operates on the thermosyphon effect, which negates the need for constant artificial lifting.
This natural convection mechanism relies on density differences, where hotter fluid ascends and cooler fluid descends.
The low flow velocities result in longer residence times, facilitating efficient heat transfer from the geothermal formation to the working fluid.

Innovative Sealant Technology:
Eavor utilizes the patented Rock-Pipe™ sealant in a two-step process:
First, a sealing fluid circulates through the completed boreholes, with the wellbore walls absorbing the fluid in its liquid state for deep penetration.
Then, an activation fluid is circulated to initiate the curing process, causing crystallization and achieving a fully sealed zone.
This ensures the wellbore walls are completely sealed before introducing the heat-conducting working fluid into the system.

The visit was a tremendous learning experience, deepening our understanding of advanced geothermal technologies and their potential to contribute significantly to sustainable energy solutions.
A special thank you to Eavor GmbH for hosting us and sharing their expertise. We are excited to see how this project paves the way for a more sustainable energy future.